This site is all about movies. The categories ranges from unreleased movies to the long forgotten films.

Creepy Horror Movies (H1)


In order to read the content from this category,you are only allowed acces if you are of the age 18 or above. “Flood Of Movies” do not stand accountable for any ill-feelings you might experience while reading the content of these pages.

This categori is not for the fragile souls. “Flood of Movies” have picked the absolute worst horror-movies that exists out there in the world today, to be in this category. So if you are not used to watch horror-movies, the site recommends you only to look at the reviews from the other mentioned genres on this webpage.

But for the HORROR-lovers, you have all come to the right place. Search no more, cause in this topic you will find all the horror that you need to satisfy you thirst for fright.

Blood, murder, evil spirits and other horrible creatures is what this genre contains. Who does not love a good fright now and then? What usually also applies in this genre is, the more blood the better. “Less is more” is a saying that does not apply in the horror-genre. Rather “More is More”, is what the viewers like…

META Keywords:

“thirst for fright”, “Creepy Horror Movies”, “HORROR-lovers”

META Description:

We love horror movies: The bloody screen, the shivers. Who doesn’t love a good fright? We have reviews of movies which will give you thrills of the best…

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